
Light vehicles market reacts in August

An initial balance shows sales of 195 thousand units, almost 15% more than in July. The daily average grew 4.9%.

After remaining practically stable at the end of June, the automobile and light vehicles market reacted in August, with nearly 195 thousand licensed units, a volume almost 15% higher than the under 170 thousand sold in the previous month.

With more business days, August had a daily sales average of 8,480 units, compared to July’s 8,087 – a 4.9% expansion. Released by a retail source, the data are still preliminary. Fenabrave (the retailers’ association) shall release an official sales balance including all segments this Friday, 9/2.

The month-to-month growth shall reflect partially the increase of offer by the manufacturers, as the problem of the lack of semiconductors reduced in the last two months. The factories are still struggling to keep producing and accumulate incomplete vehicles in their parking lots. But August had no stoppages in more than one plant, as was common during the first semester.

Based on August vehicle registers, the market sums 1.22 million units sold internally during the first eight months of the year, 8.5% more than in the same period last year (1,333,709).

Fenabrave and Anfavea, the retailers and manufacturers associations, are betting the light vehicle market in 2022 shall be close to the numbers of 2021, depending on a slightly stronger recovery beginning in September.

Year-to-date, the daily sales average is 7,264 units, including automobiles and light commercial vehicles, a volume 7.9% under the registered in the first eight months of 2021, 7,892 units. Fiat stays the market leader, with 267.2 registers from January through August, a 21.9% share. Next comes General Motors, with 174.4 thousand (14.3%) and Volkswagen, with 157.8 thousand and 12.9%.

Photograph: Volkswagen

Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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