
Bus deliveries grew 18% in September

Segment expanded over 11% in the year and shall end 2022 with a positive performance

By Alzira Rodrigues | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Contrasting with the light vehicle and truck segments, whose volume sales fell in September compared to August, the bus market expanded by 18% in the same period. 2,436 units were licensed last month, compared to 2,050 in the previous month.

The data were released by Fenabrave, the Brazilian association of automotive dealers, which foresees a positive performance by this segment in 2022. “September’s result was pushed by deliveries programmed in previous months”, commented José Maurício Andreta Jr., president of the association, at the presentation of the monthly and year-to-date sales balances.

Over the first nine months of the year, 15,235 buses were commercialized, 11.65% more than the 13,645 negotiated in the same period in 2021. Comparing September 2022 sales with the same month last year, when only 1,151 units were sold, the expansion reached 111%.

Fenabrave reviewed its projections for this year in July, estimating bus sales could reach nearly 18.2 thousand units, with a slight growth of 2% over 2021.

Nonetheless, the association does not discard that the goals released in January could be achieved. Regarding buses, it projected then an 8% increase, with a total of 19.1 thousand units.

Photograph: Marcopolo

Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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