
Gas-powered Iveco Hi-Way ready for Unidas’ customers

An unprecedented 17-truck fleet is available at the rental company

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Iveco is giving one more step toward cargo transport decarbonization with the delivery to Unidas of the first 17 units from 20 Hi-Way NG 6×2 trucks powered by natural gas or biomethane.

The partnership will perform tests with customers of the rental company before the truck reaches the market effectively,  which should happen in the second half of 2023, when production will start in Sete Lagoas, MG. With the vehicles received, Unidas becomes the first rental company to have a gas-powered truck fleet.

Iveco’s project with the heavy-duty Hi-Way NG, part of the just-launched Brasil Natural Power program, a manufacturer’s plan focused on decarbonization, is demanding from the Latin-American operation a R$ 60million investment, part of the R$ 1 billion cycle programmed until 2025.

To adequate to the regional transport conditions, the model went through 70 thousand hours of development. The Hi-Way has a 460 cv FPT Cursor engine with a 2,000 Nm torque from 1,100 through 1,600 rpm. The manufacturer says that with a 240 m³ gas tank, the range should reach 500 km.

“It is very satisfying to see in practice the result of a project developed focusing on Brazil’s transportation peculiarities”, said in a note Marcio Querichelli, Iveco’s president for Latin America. “The Hi-Way NG is a mark for Iveco in the segment of vehicles powered by alternative fuels in the country.”

Over the tests, which shall happen under different conditions, the trucks will be monitored by the manufacturer to ensure the best vehicle utilization.

“We are betting on gas, natural or biomethane, as the best short-term alternate to reduce pollutants with a total cost of operation (TCO) feasible for the Brazilian reality, especially in the road segment”, synthesizes Ricardo Barion, Iveco’s commercial director.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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