
Light vehicle market had another setback in October

Average daily sales fell about 2%. Fiat still keeps the lead, with a 21.9% share

By Alzira Rodrigues | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The light vehicle market kept sliding in October. Preliminary data from a retail source indicate 169.2 thousand licenses, indicating a close to 7% drop compared to September, when 181 thousand units were sold. In August, the best month of 2022, sales went over 194 thousand automobiles and light commercial vehicles.

According to a sector analysis released by Bright Consulting this Tuesday, 11/1, there was even a fall in the daily sales average – there were 20 working days in October and 21 in September. The daily registers in these months were 8.4 thousand and 8.6 thousand, a retraction close to 2%.

In the first ten months of the year, the market bought 1.57 million automobiles and light commercials, a 3% fall compared to the same period last year (1.63 million).

This year’s last quarter should be better than the period from October through December 2021 because the problem with components supply, especially semiconductors, was much more serious one year ago. The average daily sales in October last year were 7.5 thousand units.

Due to tomorrow’s (11/2) holiday, Fenabrave will release its official sales numbers only Tuesday, 11/3. Anfavea will release the sector’s total numbers, including production and exports, only next week, on Tuesday, 11/8.

Fiat keeps firmly leading the Brazilian automotive market, with 37.4 thousand units sold in October, a 22.1% share, and accumulated 343.5 thousand sales in 2022, a 21.9% share. Chevrolet was second in the month and also in the year, with 231.8 thousand units sold in the first ten months and a 14.8% share in 2022.

In the sequence came Volkswagen, Hyundai, Toyota, Jeep, Renault, Honda, Nissan and Peugeot.

According to Bright Consulting, direct sales played an important role in October’s good results: “If until the first half of the month direct sales were 45% of the total, at the end of the month they jumped to 51%, maintaining a share over 50% as in August and September. Our forecast for the light vehicle market in the year keeps the same, with a projection of 1.97 million registers.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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