
Marcopolo has a record quarterly revenue

From July through September, the company's income was R$ 1.5 billion, reaching R$ 3.6 billion in the year

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The internal bus market normalization favored Marcopolo’s business from July through September, when it registered a record liquid operational revenue of R$ 1.5 billion, 100% over the third quarter of 2021. The company produced 4,079 buses, an 84.6% increase in the same comparison.

60% of the business corresponds to Brazil’s heavy road bus segment, favored by the long-distance tourism recovery. The manufacturer based in Caxias do Sul, RS, had a 53.1% share of the Brazilian bus production.

In the first nine months of the year, the net income was R$ 3.626 billion, a 50.2% growth compared to R$ 2.415 billion in the same period last year.

The consolidated liquid profit reached R$ 232.2 million in the third quarter with a 15.3% margin and a 222.5% increase over the same period in 2021. Year to date, the gross profit grew 104.1% compared to last year’s, reaching R$ 475.8 million.

“The results reflect the Brazilian bus industry recovery in the third quarter and are closer to the pre-pandemic volumes, considering the numbers from 2019″, commented José Antonio Valiati, Marcopolo’s CFO and Investor Relations director. “The absence of significant impacts associated with the lack of components and chassis contributed to the fast growth of our domestic operations. This gradual normalization also brings good perspectives for the last quarter.

According to the company, the urban bus segment should present good results at the end of this year due to direct government investments and the sale of higher aggregate value vehicles, including electric and articulated models. The company also considers the exploration of new modals through Marcopolo Rail.

Marcopolo delivered 1,221 units for the Caminho da Escola program in the third quarter, including Volare models. Exports reached 1,321 units from July through September, a 96% growth over the same period in 2021.

Photo: Marcopolo

Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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