
Randon and Gerdau create heavy-duty truck rental service

The announcement of the creation of Addiante, which will be led by Fábio Leite, happened at the Fenatran

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Empresas Randon and Gerdau decided to unite and create Addiante, a heavy vehicle and equipment rental company to be led by Fábio Leite, an executive with a career of more than 25 years in multinational and national companies in the transportation segment.

Announced in September and incorporated this month, each partner will own a 50% share of the new business. Operations will start in a few months after the creation of teams “to offer profitable solutions adequate to transporters’ and shippers’ demands”, says the note released by Randon on Tuesday, 8/11.

Born in São Paulo, Leite is 44 years old and graduated in Business Management with MBA in Executives Development, Business Management and Leadership Management.

Addiante will operate together with Empresas Randon’s Financial and Digital Services unit, with support from Randon Implementos’ net of more than 80 distributors.

“We believe in this new business potential for the transportation and logistics sector, exploring market synergies and demands to create adequate and sustainable solutions”, asserted Daniel Ely, Empresas Randon’s executive vice president and CTO.

Juliano Prado, Gerdau’s global vice-president, commented that the objective is to develop solutions adequate to customers’ needs with clear synergies between both company’s businesses: “Addiante will contribute to a more sustainable development of the logistics segment, uniting innovation, technology and the experience of two great Brazilian industries.

Empresas Randon participates this week in the Fenatran, the transportation fair going through Friday, 11/11, at the São Paulo Expo center. The company presents more than 50 solutions tuned to mobility megatrends.

Two stands show the manufacturer’s products and financial and digital services, auto parts, movement control and innovation. The public can know and interact with products such as Randon Solar, a patented energy control and management technology unprecedented in Latin America and developed in a partnership with the Instituto Hercílio Randon (IHR) and Centro Tecnológico Randon (CTR).

“Over the last years, we had important movements to ensure the businesses’ sustainability through continuous, disruptive and collaborative innovation, looking for advances in sustainable cargo hauling. We expanded our diversified and robust model and, with the return of Fenatran, we will show the market that innovation is materialized in our solutions”, emphasized Randon’s CTO.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria
Tags: GerdauRandon

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