
Truck production is still growing

Despite the antidemocratic demonstrations that obstructed the country's roads, the volume grew 4.2% in October over September

By Décio Costa | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The pace of activities in truck plants last month took to a volume 4.2% higher than in September, totaling 15.5 thousand units, compared to 14.9 thousand. Compared to October 2021, when the industry assembled 13.7 thousand trucks, the result was 13.5% higher.

According to Anfavea, the monthly performance was relevant, as the demonstrations on the last day of the month had even hindered the arrival of supplies and workers at the plants.

“Despite the blockages, the plants could begin the daily productions with components already at home, even though there were halts due both to parts and workers that did not arrive”, explained Gustavo Bonini, Anfavea’s vice-president at the presentation of the automotive sector’s monthly balance on Tuesday, 11/8.

With October’s volume, the year-to-date production reached 132.2 thousand units, stable regarding the same period last year, which reached 132 thousand trucks.


Publicado por
Décio Costa

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