
Mercedes-Benz’s deal with workers includes VDP

The objective is to reduce outsourcing impacts in São Bernardo

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The workers of Mercedes-Benz’s plant in São Bernardo do Campo, SP, approved on Saturday, 11/12, a proposal negotiated by the ABC Workers Union and the company aiming to reduce the impacts of the outsourcing process announced by the manufacturer last September.

The deal includes the relocation and requalification of all the workers from the areas involved and the opening of a Voluntary Dismissal Program (VDP) for all plant workers. Can adhere to the plan workers with at least three years in the company.

“The plan foresees a fixed payment of 12 salaries and a variable part with one salary for each work year, up to a maximum of 22. For workers already retired, there will be a two-salaries bonus”, informs the note released by the company during the weekend, after the workers’ assembly at the association headquarters.

Among other benefits, the deal ensured medical insurance up to December 2023, independently from the dismissal date, and food vouchers for 12 months.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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