
Honda promotes changes to accelerate electrification

The manufacturer will create a dedicated unit to strengthen electric vehicle development

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Honda announced organizational changes this Tuesday, 1/24, aiming to strengthen its efforts toward more energy efficiency. Beginning April 1, the company will have a new dedicated unit to accelerate electrification business activities. According to the Japanese manufacturer, this will allow expanding its mobility product and services range.

Honda is also restructuring its regional operations from the current six to three: North America, China and associate regions organized in four operations – Japan, Asia and Oceania, South America and Europe, Africa and Middle East.

The company believes that with this structure should strengthen and execute electrification strategies for each region under a global orientation. One of the aims is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

A Honda spokesperson told Automotive News Europe the manufacturer expects to offer medium and large electric vehicles to North America and China, while the other regions will receive smaller models.

No one wants to lag behind in the electrification race in the automotive industry. An example is Tesla, which entered the global market and is no longer a niche manufacturer. Last year it sold more than 1.3 million electric cars, 40% more than in 2021. BYD seems the only other manufacturer capable of competing at Tesla’s level, with more than 1.8 million automobiles sold in 2022, three times more than in the previous year.

Photo: Honda

Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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