
Marelli invests R$ 150 million in new plant

The unit inaugurated this week in Hortolândia, SP, produces instrument clusters and central consoles

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Marelli inaugurated this week a new plant in its complex in Hortolândia, SP. The plant will initially supply General Motors. Fruit of a R$ 150 million investment, the new unit, called Interior Experience Division, produces instrument clusters, central consoles and decorative parts for vehicle interiors.

“We already operated this business unit in Brazil since 2014, supplying a Japanese manufacturer, and we saw a good opportunity in the segment’, told Carlos Smith, Marelli Interior Business Unit’s director. He said the objective is to offer the manufacturers located in Brazil the possibility to expand parts localization.

With 180 thousand items maximum production capacity, the new unit operates within a localization index of about 90%. Ninety new jobs were created in engineering, quality, research and development and manufacturing.

“More than 10% of the team are professionals who completed their learning programs at Marelli and were hired right after”, says the note released by the company this Tuesday, 1/23. It also tells “the plant has state-of-the-art technology and equipment, the most modern in the global market”.

Among the novelties, Marelli mentions the automated paint system brought from Japan, able to meet the new finishing specifications demanded by the customers, and injection machines imported from Germany. Other equipment came from Austria and Italy.

Photo: Marelli

Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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