
Librelato’s strategy to grow abroad

Road implement manufacturer shipped R$ 2 billion in 2022 and wants to grow 10% this year

By Redação AutoIndústria| 2/13/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Librelato celebrated the exportation of six thousand implements since 2007 when it began doing business in other countries. At the same time, it revealed its strategy to look for new business and diversify markets.

The kickoff of this process was creating an internal structure dedicated to the external market, with the generation of new jobs in Brazil. In parallel, the company intensified R&D (research and development) investments to produce implements fit for the markets of interest, creating an exclusive portfolio for each country.

More recently, in 2021, it opened a commercial office in Lisbon, Portugal. “We thought an office in a strategic country as Portugal would provide us more agility to prospect other partnerships, as in the East and West of Africa”, told Librelato’s CEO Carlos Sprícigo.

Among other actions, the executive points to the beginning of operations of a CKD plant in Uganda that facilitate all regional logistics. The manufacturer from Santa Catarina is currently the second largest road implements] exporter in Brazil.

“With the Evolut series products, we intend to gain other important business abroad this year. South America and Africa fleet owners, happy with the quality of our products, are consulting us about new orders, and certainly, we will expand our exports in 2023 by 10%”, foresees Sprícigo.

Since 2007, the company has exported to more than 15 countries in South and Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and Europe, taking international sales to become 10% of its revenue, which last year was over R$ 2 billion. The intention is to grow by 10% this year.

“We keep looking to the external market with great attention, and we are investing in offering a strong structure with a specialized field team to understand the peculiarities of each market where we operate. The quality of our implements and post-sales were our great advantages so far”, complemented the CEO.

Daniel Zilio, Exports and Libreparts manager, says the company’s export flagships are the grain and dry cargo lineups, despite the tipper platforms and tanks also having a significant presence abroad.

‘The external markets we export to are countries with high road cargo transportation demand, which look for implements providing high technology and durability.”


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria
Tags: Librelato

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