By Redação AutoIndústria | 2/3/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The truck market had a smaller demand in February, with a 23.4% retraction in deliveries compared to January, from 10.2 thousand units to 7.8 thousand. Compared to the same month last year, when 8.1 thousand trucks were sold, there was a 3.53% fall.

The market behavior, buying less, was already forecasted by market and industry agents for the first months of 2023. As happened before, during environmental regulations changes, the transporters use to anticipate their fleet renovation plans to protect themselves from the unavoidable price rise due to new emission control technologies.

According to Fenabrave data presented this Thursday, 3/2, the implantation of Proconve P8 norms after January 1 has caused volatility. “We already expected a first quarter with variations”, said Andreta Jr., president of the association of vehicle distributors. “During this period, the transporter can opt for buying vehicles adequate to both emission regulations (Proconve P7 or P8).”

Truck deliveries grew 8.5% to 18 thousand units in the first bimester, compared to 16.6 thousand one year ago. In the same period last year, the industry faced a critical electronic component shortage, generating a crisis in vehicle offer.
Bus segment keeps recovery trend

One of the most affected segments by the pandemic, buses have shown a recovery trend already seen since last year’s last quarter.

In February, deliveries reached 2.8 thousand units, 6.32% more than in January (2.1 thousand) and 98.27% more than in 2022, when 1.1 thousand buses were licensed.

In the first bimester, sales grew 78.46% to 4.4 thousand units delivered to the passenger transportation market, compared to 2.4 thousand one year before.

“The transport category went through a hard time with the circulation restrictions. But the signs of a consistent recovery are already visible. The growth in the first two months compared to 2022 was 23.4%”, comments Andreta Jr.



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