
Vehicle export revenues are rising

Thanks to heavy vehicles, the amount is over US$ 1.6 billion in the semester, a 28.5% growth

By Alzira Rodrigues | 3/3/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Despite the fall in shipments, the vehicle exports balance in this year’s first bimester is positive, reaching a higher amount. This is explained by ” higher aggregated value models in the shipments mix, such as buses and trucks”, according to Anfavea’s president Márcio de Lima Leite.

External sales reached 34,313 units in February, a 3.8% rise over January (33,048), but were 17.2% under the same month last year (42,449). In the first two months, 67,361 units were sold abroad, 2.6% less than the 69,157 shipments in January and February 2022.

Nonetheless, the exported amount had a different behavior. The growth in the bimester reached 28.5%, with US$ 1,651,995 in 2023, in front of US$ 1,285,189 in the first bimester last year. In February, more than US$ 942.8 million were negotiated abroad, 33% more than in January (US$ 709.1 million) and 29% over the same month in 2022 (US$ 731.1 million).

Automobile and light commercial vehicle exports reached 67,361 units in the first bimester, a 2.6% fall compared to last year. Trucks grew 1.5% in the same comparison, with 2,676 shipments, and buses increased 3.7%, with 593 units exported.

Anfavea’s vice president responsible for the heavy vehicles area, Gustavo Bonini, emphasized growing business with Mexico in this product segment. “We have an agreement with this country started in 2020, which will be concretized in July this year, which favors the sector’s bilateral transactions”.

Regarding vehicles in general, Anfavea’s president pointed as negative the Colombian market, which fell by 17% this year and as positive the Argentinian, expected to grow by 11% in 2023 to close to 420 thousand vehicles.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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