
After Anchieta and São José dos Pinhais plants, VW will stop Taubaté

The new Polo Track manufacturing unit will have 10-day collective vacations

By Redação AutoIndústria | 3/14/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The global component supply crisis that began about two years ago isn’t yet past for vehicle manufacturers, avid semiconductor buyers. That’s why Volkswagen will halt production in Taubaté, SP, with a 10-day collective vacation.

From March 27 through April 5, about two thousand employees will remain at home, according to the region’s metalworkers union. The company emphasizes that, besides the supply instability, collective vacations are previewed in the flexibility package included in the agreement signed with the unit’s workers last year.

In February, the manufacturer halted production in São Bernardo do Campo and São Carlos, SP, and São José dos Pinhais, PR. The units interrupted production until March 3.

Taubaté is the production site of the Polo and Polo Track, the most recent launch of the brand in Brazil, which is still increasing its production pace.

In the neighboring São José dos Campos, General Motors also decided to interrupt production. About 80% of the unit’s four thousand workers will enter collective vacations from March 27 through April 13.

In this case, the explanation is the sales reduction. In São José dos Campos are made the S-10, pickup, the Trailblazer SUV, engines and transmissions. Last month, GM also halted activities in Gravataí, RS, where the Onix and Onix Plus, Chevrolet’s bestseller models, are made.


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Redação AutoIndústria

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