
Volvo negotiates the first Euro 6 road buses

The manufacturer sees the moment as opportune for the segment after the retraction caused by the pandemic

By Décio Costa | 3/24/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Even before the end of the first quarter, Volvo already negotiated 147 Euro 6 road buses in a meeting with customers held this week. Deliveries will happen over the first semester.

The meeting was a thermometer for the brand to evaluate the fleet operators’ intentions. According to Paulo Arabian, Volvo Ônibus Brasil’s commercial director, some factors should warm the road segment’s sales, such as the high price of air travel, a great number of holidays in 2023 and the growth of ticket sales applications, an already matured business mode.

“Last year yet, the road segment recovered some way with the return of tourism. Therefore, it at least could pay debts. And now it can come back to purchases. Although more expensive, there is credit available”, says the commercial director.

According to Arabian, the road bus segment bought 1.3 thousand units last year. Volvo’s share was 18.2% with 237 chassis, a 220% growth over 2021. “The market expectation for this year is about 1.4 thousand”.

The Volvo Euro 6 chassis were presented at LatBus, in August 2022. The lineup includes 4×2, 6×2, and 8×2 configurations, all available with 13-liter engines with 380, 420, 460 and 510 cv.

“We applied in the Euro 6 chassis Volvo’s most advanced technologies, the same used in the FH trucks”, told Gilcarlo Prosdócimo, sales engineering manager.


Publicado por
Décio Costa

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