
VW invests R$ 8 million in social actions in Paraná

The investments benefit professional qualification projects, entrepreneurism and public health

By Redação AutoIndústria | 4/18/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Volkswagen announced an R$ 8 million investment in social areas initiatives in Paraná. The resources will be donated to São José dos Pinhais Sustainable Entrepreneurism Program, the 5th edition of Carretas do Conhecimento (Knowledge Trailers) Project and Hospital Pequeno Príncipe, a child care reference center in Curitiba.

According to VW, the initiative aims to strengthen the commitment with people and the development of the state where it has one of its plants, in São José dos Pinhais. ‘The projects include key support pillars for Paraná’s society: sustainable entrepreneurism, professional qualification and public health, contributing to the population’s quality of life”, said in a note Ciro Possobom, Volkswagen do Brasil’s CEO.

The projects benefited are part of the Intention Protocol firmed in 2013 by Volkswagen and Paraná’s government through the Program Paraná Competitivo, which made viable investments in the plant of São José dos Pinhais to produce the T-Cross.

The Sustainable Entrepreneurship in São José dos Pinhais program aims to foment the local economy with sustainable agricultural practices and promote responsible tourism in selected properties.

In its 5th edition, the project Carretas do Conhecimento is based on mobile units with a structure for professional training. The initiative provides training in mechanics, electric installations, baking, cooling, computing, welding, innovation and innovation & creativity. This year, 1,828 free opportunities will be offered for qualifying courses in 49 locations in the state.

At the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, part of the announced donation will enable eight more Intensive Care beds, besides renovations and equipment purchases. The project will grant more access, safety and assistance quality for more than 500 patients a year.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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