
Philips diversifies its automotive range and wants to grow by 10%

Beyond lamps, the brand shows a wide range of accessories at Automec, including cameras, refrigerators and LED bars

By Alzira Rodrigues | 4/26/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Lumileds, the manufacturer of Philips lamps, is present at Automec, showing the diversification of its Brazilian market operation, now offering cameras, refrigerators, battery chargers, LED bars and other items for the automotive and agricultural sectors.

Edson Carvalho Vieira, Lumineds Latin America director, said the company aims to grow this year from 9% to 10% in the local aftermarket with the expansion of the Philips accessories portfolio. The executive talked about the importance of the brand’s participation in the largest autoparts fair in the region.

“This year’s attendance is highly qualified, including not only Latin American executives but also from other regions, including Europe”, said Vieira, explaining the Brazilian replacement market corresponds to 60% of Philips businesses, with the remaining concentrated in direct sales for automotive manufacturers.

The company has no plants in the region and offers only imported products, mostly from Poland. Juliana Gubel, Lumileds’ marketing manager, commented the current Automec edition establishes a new mark for the brand’s business in Brazil: “We transformed Philips stand in a product window showing the brand’s quality and functionality. This action integrates our strategy to expand the portfolio in Brazil”.

Besides presenting eight new lines with more than 40 LED lamps for light and heavy vehicles, Philips is also showing a new range of inspection torches, air purifiers and aromatizers, and safety items such as automotive cameras, start assistants, auxiliary lights, and cables and chargers, among other accessories


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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