
Against the market’s grain, DAF grows over 30%

The 91-ton XF Off-Road truck developed for the sugarcane segment is the brand's novelty at the Agrishow

By Alzira Rodrigues | 05/03/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Presenting the new XF Off-Road for the sugarcane segment at the Agrishow, in Ribeirão Preto, DAF Brasil’s commercial director, Luis Gambim, unveiled the brand’s 10-10-10 project, which celebrates ten years of the company in Brazil, and its intention to produce 10 thousand units a year and to reach 10% of the truck segment over 16 tons.

Going against the heavy market forecasts, which should fall by 11%, the brand aims to sell nine thousand units until the end of the year, a more than 30% increase over the 6,793 sold in 2022. In the first quarter, sales grew by 37%. Production should grow in the same proportion, from 7.7 thousand units last year to 10.2 thousand in 2023.

Gambim explained that DAF faced the same problems as the competitors in the second semester of 2020, when it invested in the change from Euro 5 to Euro 6 regulations and sales fell due to price adjustments.

He admitted the market went back at the start of the year, but ensured the company production was adjusted, without the need for halts or working shift cuts as seen in other brands.

The commercial director said the XF Off-Road is a product developed focusing on sugarcane operations and will reach the market in the second semester, marking DAF’s ten years in Brazil:

“Agrishow is one of the most important showcases to present the XF Off-Road to a highly qualified public who will be able to celebrate with us in the fair the consolidation of the brand over one decade in Brazil.”

Inspired by the CF Off-Road, the new model has a larger cabin and onboard refrigerator to provide more comfort to the driver. The engine delivers 530 cv and torque of 2,500/2,600 Nm, fit for the 91-ton legal capacity with 11 axles. The off-road version will also be available with 480 cv and 2.350/2.500 Nm.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues
Tags: DAFtrucks

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