
Imported sales keep growing

The monthly performance lost momentum in April, but in the first four months of the year, businesses grew by 84%

By Redação AutoIndústria | 05/03/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Deliveries of vehicles imported by Abeifa’s affiliates in April fell by 26.5% compared to March, from 3.1 thousand to 2.3 thousand units. Despite the setback, the volume was 54.1% higher than in April 2022, when Abeifa’s sales were only 1.5 thousand imported automobiles and light commercial vehicles.

The market purchased 9.9 thousand units imported by Abeifa’s members in the first four months, a volume 83.9% higher than one year ago (5.4 thousand).

Contrasting to the imports’ performance, the sales of nationally produced vehicles kept shrinking. In April, the 1.3 thousand units delivered represented a 6.6% fall from March’s (1.5 thousand) and an expressive 60.4% slump compared with April last year (3.5 thousand).

In the first four months of the year, only 4.9 thousand vehicles produced in Brazil by Abeifa’s brands were delivered, compared to 13.9 thousand last year, a 64.6% reduction.

“The unstable component supply, especially of semiconductors, still impacts the commercialization of imported and national vehicles”, said in a note João Henrique Garbin de Oliveira, president of Abeifa.

“Adding to this, despite about 70% of our sales being on cash, credit restriction and high-interest rates also have influenced the consumers’ purchase decision.”


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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