
Electrified vehicle purchases by rentals grew 89%

In a growing trend, the fleet acquired was 6% of the market segment

By Redação AutoIndústria | 5/15/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

According to data from the Vehicle Sector Brazilian Annuary published by Abla, the Brazilian rental companies’ association, electrified vehicles are increasingly present in rental companies’ purchasing portfolios. Last year, the rental companies bought 3.3 thousand hybrid and full-electric vehicles, 88.9% more than in 2021 (1.7 thousand).

Considering Anfavea’s licensing figures, 5-0 thousand units, rentals’ purchases in 2022 were 6.6% of the market.

According to Abla’s statistics, from 2018 through 2022, the rental companies purchased more than 5.6 thousand electrified vehicles, going from 43 units to 3.3 thousand. “It is noticeable the desire of a growing number of people for sustainability, especially the youngest, and it also applies to urban mobility”, ponders Paulo Miguel Junior, Abla’s management council.

According to the study, Southwest concentrates most of the electrified fleet, with 3.9 thousand units licensed by rentals. Minas Gerais leads with 2.1 thousand vehicles, trailed by São Paulo with 1.3 thousand.

The South comes next with 1.5 thousand hybrids and full-electric, most – 97% – in Paraná.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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