
Motorcycle production and sales had the best first quadrimester in nine years

Abraciclo keeps the projection of 1.55 million motorcycles this year

By Redação AutoIndústria | 5/16/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Motorcycle manufacturers located at the Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM) produced 513.9 thousand unis in the first four months of the year. It is the highest volume in the period since 2014, according to Abraciclo, the Brazilian motorcycle manufacturers association. In that year, 559 thousand motorcycles were made.

Compared with last year’s first quadrimester, the production grew by 16.8%. 116.8 thousand motorcycles were produced in April, 3.7% more than in the same month in 2022.

“The production lines pace is according to planned to achieve 1.55 million units this year. With this, we would grow about 10% over 2022”, says Marcos Antonio Bento, Abraciclo’s president.

For the executive, the motorcycle’s “lower cost of purchase and the agility in urban use” will keep pushing sales. “Nonetheless, we are alert to factors as the high interest rates, credit access and the decrease of people’s purchasing power”.

So far, the pace of licensings in 2023 is even higher than the production. In the first four months, 478.2 thousand motorcycles were registered, 25.1% more than in 2022. It was also the best result in nine years. In 2014, the deliveries went over 487 thousand.

The 121 thousand units negotiated in April were also a record for the month in the years and 12.3% over the deliveries in 2022. “In March, the plants had a full production month, allowing to better meet the demand”, said Bento, who maintains the association’s projection for the internal market in 1.49 million units in 2023, 9.4% more than last year.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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