
Autoparts imports decelerate

Until May, the fall was 1.1%, while exports grew by 24%

By Alzira Rodrigues | 6/27/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The Brazilian autoparts industry had in May the best result in external sales this year. US$ 893.5 million were shipped abroad, a 28.3% increase over the same month last year and 20.5% over April.
The data were released on 6/26 by Sindipeças, the association of manufacturer suppliers in Brazil.

“Despite the automotive market fall in some neighboring markets, especially in Argentina, which had a 2.1% production setback from April to May, the increase of shipments for other markets has secured a positive performance for autoparts exports”, emphasized the organization in its trade balance report.

Foreign sales this year amounted to US$ 3.8 billion, 24% over last year’s. Imports added U$ 1.8 billion in May, 3.2% less than in the same month in 2022, but a 13.3% increase over April.

“It’s interesting to notice that until May – differently from what we saw in previous years – there was a 1.1% imports retraction, which indicates a yearly result that, even high, should be slightly under 2022 (U$ 19.6 billion)”, stated Sindipeças.

The autoparts industry’s commercial trade balance remains negative but less than last year. The US$ 4.3 billion deficit until May was 16.2% less than in 2022.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues
Tags: autoparts

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