
GM workers accepted layoff in São José dos Campos

The measure will affect up to 1.2 thousand employees for up ten months. The second working shift will halt for the same period

By Redação AutoIndústria | 6/27/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

General Motors workers in São José dos Campos, SP, approved a temporary layoff agreement proposed by the manufacturer. The decision was taken on Tuesday, 6/27, in a meeting held at the plant where the S10 pickup and the Trailblazer SUV are made and about four thousand people work.

According to the São José dos Campos and Region Metalworkers Union, the deal was accepted after the company ensured all the plant workers – those who would keep in activity and those who would remain at home – will keep their jobs during the operations suspension time.

The proposed temporary layoff can be adopted for 1.2 thousand workers from all GM areas. The company alleges the need to adjust production to a fall in vehicle demand. The measure can be effective for up to 10 months after July 3 and will halt the second working shift for the same period.

During the negotiation, the metalworkers union proposed as an alternative for the temporary layoff the reduction of working time without salary reduction, which the manufacturer did not accept. “Since the beginning, the union presented as a condition for an agreement the stability of the jobs”, said Valmir Mariano, vice-president of the association.

In the negotiation, the union succeeded in including items securing more rights for the workers:

– as with the suspension of the contracts there will be no contributions to the Service Time of Service Fund, GM will pay an additional 8% of the salary as compensation;

– workers in layoff will not be discounted the Income Tax;

– the contract suspension will not affect the employees’ vacation period;

– GM committed to pay in full the 13th salary for all, as well as profit sharing and results and the yearly category salary adjustment scheduled for September 1.

– the workers’ food and transport vouchers will be maintained;

– over the temporary layoff, Brazilian legislation previews the workers should made requalification courses. For GM metalworkers, the courses will be online. Therefore, the agreement previews an allowance for internet costs paid by GM.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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