
Solution4Fleet wants to expand rental operations with the S4F franchise

The new Santander Group's brand is a fruit of the consulting experience in the segment

By Décio Costa | 6/29/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Solution4Fleet consulting is expanding operations with the S4F franchise aiming particularly for vehicles subscription. The company has contributed to 217 companies in the development of rental businesses.

Opening its own brand stores, besides being opportune considering the market potential, is pushed by the R$ 3 million investment and Santander Group’s power, which owns 80% of the company.

According to André Ricardo Vieira, Solution4Fleet’s CEO, the company provides a unique package including the business dimensioning, the most adequate region, the financial design, financing and even enterprise management.

“We create a model that saves taxes and personnel for the franchised. Besides, we also have more than 280 partners, including 4.5 thousand workshops.”

Demand for use without ownership

Vieira told that the just-created Solution4Fleet commercial door already has structured four houses with the S4F brand and closed deals for 12 more. “We expect to finish the year with at least 150 units, despite the goal is reaching 300. At least 87 negotiations were already favorable.”

Solution4Fleet’s CEO emphasizes the opportunity rental provides. According to the executive, despite the country’s 23 thousand registered rental companies, the current 2.4 million rented vehicles fleet corresponds to less than 20% of the companies or less than 0.5% of individual consumers.

In the United States, rental users correspond to 60% of the market. “Growing potential is immense. The estimate is that in 20 years, the rented vehicles fleet could reach 15 million units.”

Vieira’s evaluation is online with what was published in the annual report of Abla, the association that represents the country’s rental companies. Last year, the segment had a R$ 36.6 billion gross revenue, growing 56.3% over 2021. In the same period, the number of users increased by 38.3% to 69.3 million consumers.


Publicado por
George Guimarães

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