
ABC metalworkers negotiate to bring Chinese manufacturers to the region

Aiming electric bus production, the union signed letters of intent with Chery and Beijing Peak Automotive

By Alzira Rodrigues | 7/12/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Leaders of the ABC Metalworkers Union are currently working to attract automotive sector investments to the region (the acronym ABC refers to Santo André, São Bernardo do Campo e São Caetano do Sul, three industrial cities in the metropolitan area of São Paulo).

Focusing on local production of electric buses and other vehicles, they signed in Brasília, last week, letters of intent with representatives ofthe Chinese Chery and Beijing Peak Automotive and received on July 1 a delegation from Sinomach (China National Machinery Industry Corporation).

“Those are Chinese companies willing to invest in the region in our project #ARetomada, which aims to secure new investments in the region”, explained Moisés Selerges, ABC Metalworkers Union’s president.

The letter of intention was signed by him and the union’s executive director, Aroaldo Oliveira da Silva, on Thursday 7/6. At the meeting, the union leaders emphasized the importance of the region that already has the Eletra, electric bus manufacturer in São Bernardo do Campo, and Volkswagen, Scania and Mercedes-Benz.

“The Chinese companies commitment to invest in our region is a wonderfull news because it will bring new jobs, revenue generation, industrial and commerce growth at the ABC. These investments come from the efforts of the ABC Metalworkers, the Brazil-China and Brasil-China parliamentary fronts and IndustriALL-Brasil”, informed Selerges.

Chery announced last May it was closing its plant in Jacareí, SP, where it produced the Tiggo 3X, informing that the unit would be refurbished to produce electric and hybrid vehicles. Chery has a partnership with the local Caoa Group, which produces some of the Chinese brand’s models in Anápolis, GO.

About the Chinese manufacturers interest in investing in the Great ABC area, the executive director Aroaldo Oliveira da Silva. who is anso president of the Great ABC Economic Development Agency and IndustriALL-Brasil, pointed the region’s attractives:

“We have a consolidated industrial park, an organized supply chain, a qualified work force and governance systems that give support to the companies, besides a priviledged space with universities, technical schools and science and tchnology institutes.

At the July 1 meeting, the presidents of the union, Sinomach, Cai Jibo, and the National Congress Brazil-China Parliamentary Front, deputy Fausto Pinato, signed an agreement note to promote strategic investments in the region, productive sector improvement cooperation and human capital valuation.

Among other actions the union leaders met the Institutional Relations Minister, Alexandre Padilha, in Caxias do Sul, RS, in a visit to Marcopolo.

“We talked with miniter Padilha about the importance of the industrial policy for the country. Marcopolo is the world’s largest bus manufacturer and produces electric buses, which interest us much. Our country needs a transition from fossil fuels to electricity and we talked with Marcopolo’s management about it”, said Selerges.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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