
Porsche grows 75% and has its best year in Brazil

The brand had 2.6 thousand cars licensed in the first semester and is ahead of Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover

By George Guimarães | 7/12/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

When talking about the premium brands market in Brazil, the most recalled names are BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Volvo. Usually, sports car brands such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Porsche aren’t included in most analyses due to their extremely low sales volume.

This tradition is being broken in 2023. The legendary German brand maker of the 911 and with vehicles costing from R$ 600 thousand up to more than R$ 2 million is accelerating as never before in the Brazilian market, according to Fenabrave.

In the race for wealthy customers, Porsche already figures in an unprecedented position since the beginning of its Brazilian operations in 2015 amidst a grid that includes names such as Land Rover, Jaguar and Lexus.

With 2,658 units licensed in the first six months, it overcame Mercedes-Benz – usually one of the three premium bestsellers – and was the 16th bestseller brand in Brazil, ahead of Mitsubishi and Land Rover.

And for not much, it could have been the 15th. Audi, immediately ahead, sold 2,874 cars and, in three of the first six months, was surpassed by Porsche.

The difference between the two German brands is equivalent to just two weeks of sales, considering Porsche’s 443 vehicles monthly average over the first half of the year – with a peak of 613 units in March.

If it keeps this average in July and August, Porsche will enter September already with its higher volume in eight years, overcoming the record 3.2 thousand vehicles it sold last year.

In 2021, the brand already surpassed 3.1 thousand registers, a 27% jump over 2020 (2.4 thousand) and even higher regarding the five precious years, when it sold from one thousand to 1.9 thousand yearly units.

Consulted by AutoIndústria, Porsche Brasil attributed the growing numbers to the expansion of the dealer net and financial and post-sales services and an intense test drive program.

“Continuous results such as these are the fruit of a structured development plan. We have a solid net expansion plan. Since 2015, we added new places, such as Belo Horizonte, Goiânia, Fortaleza and others”, informed the company that, with its dealers, has already invested R$ 32 million to prepare the charge and support structure for electrified vehicles.

Porsche does not disclose its sales expectation for 2023. Politically, it says that “the ambition is continuing to grow moderately and to achieve a balance between offer and demand”, prioritizing growth with quality instead just increasing deliveries.

According to Fenabrave, the brand’s bestseller model in 2023 is the Cayenne. Offered in three versions with prices beginning at R$ 810 thousand, the SUV had 990 registers, followed by the Macan crossover (752), which led sales last year with more than one thousand deliveries.

Segment ups-and-downs

Porsche’s registers evolution calls attention also because, in the same period, the main premium competitors’ sales grew much less or even declined.

With many models assembled in Santa Catarina, BMW, which led this market segment in the last few years, went from more than 6.7 thousand units in 2022 to less than 6.4 thousand, a 5% fall, the same as its historic rival Mercedes-Benz.

On the other hand, Volvo had nearly four thousand units licensed, growing 57%, the second higher evolution after Porsche. Audi, which resumed assembling Q3 CKDs in Paraná, also had a significant 47% advance, while Land Rover grew less, 23%.


Publicado por
George Guimarães

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