By Alzira Rodrigues | 7/17/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch
As Fenabrave and Anfavea’s executives anticipated at the beginning of the month, light vehicle sales reacted strongly in the first 15 days of July, totaling 104.4 thousand units, overcoming by 79.4% the 58.2 thousand sold in the same period of June.
The daily average jumped by 79% from 5.8 thousand to 10.4 thousand units. This growth was already expected due to the near halt of the market in last month’s first week before the government announced the discounts program to encourage affordable car sales.
The second week of June was also weak due to the need to reinvoice the vehicles already in the dealers’ inventories.
The government benefits – a total of R$ 800 million – ended at the end of the month, but all brands’ dealer nets entered July with products invoiced by the manufacturers with discounts, keeping offering benefits to the consumers.
According to Anfavea’s estimate, at the turn of the month, there were still 79 thousand discounted light vehicles at the dealerships. The association explained June’s atypical behavior: daily sales from June 1 through 25 reached only 6.8 thousand units and jumped to 16.2 thousand from June 26 through 30.
Fiat kept leading the market with 21.3 thousand deliveries and a 20.4% share in July. Volkswagen was second, with 19.1 thousand and 18.3%, followed by General Motors, with 15 thousand and 14.5%.
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