
Renault works in flex-fuel hybrid drive in Brazil

The manufacturer prepares its plant to produce a new platform that enables electrified vehicles

By Décio Costa | 7/26/23 | Translate by Jorge Meditsch

Renault’s engineering team works on a development project for a flex-fuel hybrid drive system for the country. The information was released by Ricardo Gondo, the manufacturer’s Brazilian operation president, in a meeting with automotive journalists at Renault’s Ayrton Senna Industrial Complex in São José dos Pinhais, PR.

“Renault is already working on this project, and it will be one more option for the customer”, he said.

Gondo did not inform in what model the new powertrain will be applied or if it’s an isolated project. It is important to note that the manufacturer is currently investing R$ 2 billion to introduce a new platform in its Brazilian plant for a new SUV, as well as a new 1.0 turbo engine and a new transmission.

“It is not always that we have the opportunity to bring new platforms. This one, more modern, will enable produce electrified vehicles in the future”, said the president, without making clear if the hybrid system will be offered in the model being developed.


Publicado por
Décio Costa

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