
Truck sales react in July with a 5% growth

Fenabrave sees a market adequation to Proconve P8 products

By Décio Costa | 8/2/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Licensing data released by Fenabrave show a truck sales reaction in July. The cargo hauling market purchased last month 8.1 thousand units, 5.1% more than in June (7.7 thousand).

Nonetheless, regarding last year the fall is still significant. Compared to July 2022, when 11.3 thousand trucks were sold, the fall reached 28.4%, and year-to-date, it reached 14.8%, from 68.6 thousand to 58.4 thousand.

According to Fenabrave, the positive monthly result signals the transporter’s adequation to the new Proconve 8 vehicles and higher prices.

“Vehicle manufacturers and purchasers are adjusting to the new prices scenario implied by the new technology, but it’s possible to say the Euro 6 is already consolidating in the country”, said Andreta Jr., Fenabrave’s president.

The association leader also sees a slight improvement in financing, as new BNDES credit lines can already be found with monthly interest rates from 1.18% to 1.21%.

Part of the transport operators are also beginning to take advantage of the discount offered by the government program to renew the fleet.


Publicado por
Décio Costa

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