
Ford sells the Camaçari plant to the state of Bahia

The deal opens the way for BYD to occupy the property

By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Ford announced this Friday, 8/11, the sale of its plant in Camaçari, BA, to the state government through a property reversal agreement. According to a note released by the company, “the process will meet the legislation, which previews a later indemnization to the company at market value.”

The unit in Bahia was the focus of inconclusive negotiations between Ford and BYD, which already has R$ 3 billion to invest in producing vehicles in Camaçari, despite without an officially defined local. According to Ford’s note, it seems that from now the negotiation will not happen between the manufacturers, but directly by the state government and the Chinese company.

“The agreement aims to simplify and speed the process of property transaction of the plant, contributing to generate value to the state and the community”, explains Ford’s communiqué.

Ford’s Camaçari plant, where the Ka and Ecosport were produced, was deactivated in 2021, when the manufacturer ceased to produce vehicles in Brazil.

Photo: Ford

Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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