By Alzira Rodrigues | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Despite sales had reduced compared to June, the motorcycle manufacturers of Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM) celebrated the best production volume for the month since 2014. 122,723 units were manufactured, 17.1% more than in July 2022 (104,776).

“July’s performance is only lower than in July 2014, when 136,004 motorcycles were produced, informed Abraciclo, the Brazilian motorcycle manufacturers association in a note released this Friday, 8/11.

Year-to-date, 886,994 motorcycles were manufactured, 14.3% more than in 2022 (776,069).


“Thanks to Abraciclo’s members’ strategy, which invest constantly in production processes improvement and the implantation of the most advanced technologies in their products, the motorcycle is increasingly gaining new consumers”, pondered Marcos Bento, Abraciclo’s president.


According to the executive, the expectation for the year is to produce 1,560,000 motorcycles, which would mean a 10.4% increase over last year’s volume.

As Fenabrave had already released, 123,085 motorcycles were delivered in July. Low-displacement models were 80.9% of the sales with 99,568 units.

Medium-displacement motorcycles reached 19,427 units registered (15.8% of the market) and high-displacement models totaled 4,090 units (3.3%).

Yer-to-date, motorcycle retail sales reached 903,155 units, a 21.4% growth over last year (744,064).

Photo; Honda

Alzira Rodrigues

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