
Impulsed by electrified vehicles, European market grew by 17.6% until July

Electrics and hybrids sales are already one-fourth in the continent

By Redação AutoIndústria | 8/30/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Vehicle sales in Europe keep recovering gradually from the difficulties originated from the pandemic and the electronic components supply crisis that harmed production after 2020.

The better times are shown in July’s performance, when licensing in the European Union went over 851 thousand vehicles, 15% more than last year. It was the twelfth consecutive month of growth for the regional market, with most countries reporting an increase, according to ACEA, the European vehicle manufacturers’ association.

After the seven first months of 2023, sales in Europe totaled 6.3 million units, 17.6% more than in 2022 but still 22% under the 2019 results for the same period.

The main consumer countries are showing solid advances. The four largest were Spain (+21,9%), Italy (+20,9%), France (+15,8%) and Germany (+13,6%).

Sales of electrics and hybrids are pushing the market and already correspond to about one-fourth of the total. In July, battery electric vehicles reached 116 thousand units, a 60% increase and 13.6% of the sales.

In the first seven months, battery electric car sales increased by 54.7% to 819.7 thousand. Including hybrids, the electrified market added 1.6 million units, 28.5% more than last year.

More than 2.3 million gasoline automobiles were sold in the first seven months, a 14.3% increase from 2022. On the other side, diesel vehicles keep declining, with only 14.1% of last month’s sales.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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