
Workers union reveals VW’s new investment cycle in Brazil

The estimate is a R$ 5.5 billion investment from 2026

By Alzira Rodrigues | 8/31/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The ABC Metalworkers Union held a meeting this Thursday, 8/31, at the gates of Volkswagen’s Anchieta plant in São Bernardo do Campo, SP. The union leaders informed the workers about the beginning of negotiations with the manufacturer to extend for three years the current agreement, which should end in 2025.

The extension would meet VW’s new investment cycle in its four Brazilian plants, estimated at one billion euros, about R$ 5.5 billion. The new cycle, which considers the production of new models in the Anchieta plant, would take five years, beginning in 2026.

“The union is negotiating and asked for new investments, mainly in our region. This would not only assures the permanence of the plant in São Bernardo but also helps the development and maintenance of ABC’s autoparts suppliers”, said Wellington Messias Damasceno, Volkswagen’s workers representative and the union’s administrative director.

He also informed that the negotiations include product electrification. “Our union has debated Brazil’s need to advance in hybrid and battery electric electrification technology. We understand that this must be considered in the negotiation”, complemented Wellington.

Asked about the investment amount, the manufacturer issued a note: “Labor negotiations are important in Volkswagen’s relations with its employees. With 70 years of history in Brazil, Volkswagen always looks for the best understanding and cooperation to benefit its collaborators and work ambient.

In the first week of July, the brand’s global CEO, Thomas Schäfer, was in Brazil to participate in the celebration of VW’s 70 years in the country.

At the time, it was informed that the executive took part in meetings to define the new investment cycle in the country. According to the manufacturer, the ongoing investment for 2022/2026 is R$ 7 billion.

The Anchieta plant currently has 8.2 thousand employees, five thousand working on the plant floor.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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