
Iveco joins up with Minas Gerais government to attract new companies

The partnership aims to increase the state's heavy vehicle industry efficiency and competitiveness

By Redação AutoIndústria | 9/13/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

On a trip to Turin, Italy, Iveco Group’s headquarters city, the governor of Minas Gerais officialized a partnership uniting the state, the manufacturer and Fiemg (Minas Gerais Industry Federation) to attract investments and new companies.

Among the initiatives announced are the elaboration of a program to attract suppliers through Invest Minas, the state investments promotion agency, and to create a training and qualification center with Senai-MG and Fiemg. The plans include investments in technology with a new FPT Industrial engine development technical center.

Besides the governor, Fiemg, Invest Minas and Minas Gerais Italian Chamber of Commerce participated in the meeting. The Brazilian group was received by Iveco Group’s executives, among them Luca Sra, president of the Truck Business Unit, and Marcio Querichelli, IVECO Trucks and Bus’ president for Latin America.

Back from Italy, the state Economic Development Secretary and Invest Minas met to present investment opportunities. At the meeting were invited Italian automotive component companies that currently generate about 100 million euros in exports to the country.


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Redação AutoIndústria
Tags: Iveco

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