
Volvo Car invests R$ 50 million in 73 electro stations

A 101-unit net will cover all country regions

By Redação AutoIndústria | 9/18/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Volvo Car announced a R$ 50 million investment to install 73 new electro stations in Brazil, part of a R$ 70 million and 101 charging points project started in 2021 to cover all country regions.

“With this investment, we reassure our commitment to sustainability, carbon emissions reduction and the construction of a cleaner and safer future for all Brazilians”, said Marcelo Godoy, Finances director of Volvo Car Latin America and Charging Infrastructure Operation in Brazil.

Ten electro stations are already operating in São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, and another 18 are being installed.

According to Godoy, the partner selection process was significantly improved, with more agility to expand the charging stations net:

“Since our journey toward Brazilian road electrification began, we committed to provide more safety and tranquility to electric vehicle owners. After a judicious analysis, we decided to accelerate the project instead of conducting it in phases as we were doing.”

The Sweden manufacturer’s partners in the project are WEG, Enel X, Vibra and, now, Carrefour Property, which should accelerate the installation of more than 30 electro stations in Carrefour Brasil and Sam’s Club galleries.

“We are directing our focus to the consumer experience in our galleries”, said Fernanda Rodrigues, Carrefour Property Brasil’s director. “This partnership happens in perfect synergy with this intention and is aligned to our incentive policy to sustainability and care with the planet we live on and the air we breathe”.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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