
Automobile sales in Europe grew by 21% in August

For the first time, full-electric models achieved more than 20% of market sales

By Redação AutoIndústria | 9/20/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The European automobile market grew by 20.7% in August, with 905.5 thousand units sold. Last year’s deliveries in the same month reached 749.3 thousand vehicles. According to a report from Acea, the European manufacturers association, August was the thirteenth consecutive month of growth.

Up to August, sales totaled 8.51 million automobiles, 17.9% more than last year (7.22 million). Despite the significant increase, indicating that at least the component shortage was overcome, Acea said the market is still below pre-pandemic levels. From January through August 2019, more than 9 million units were sold.

Acea monthly figures analysis stresses the full-electric vehicle sales performance. With 196.6 thousand deliveries in August, the segment grew by no less than 101.6% compared to last year, achieving 21.7% of total sales – for the first time, it went over 20%.

Up to August, battery electric vehicle sales totaled 1.28 million units, 53.6% more than last year (836.8 thousand). The volume was 15% of the automobile market.

Gasoline-powered models maintain the largest share and sustain the market growth. The European consumer purchased 3.13 million gasoline-driven units in the first eight months, a 12.7% growth and 37% of the total market.

Nonetheless, Acea mentions the increasingly significant hybrid vehicles growth, especially the conventional models (non-plugin). From 2.81 million hybrids sold up to August, 2.18 million were HEVs, 25% of the market and 28% more than last year (1.7 million).

Diesel car sales continue falling. In the first eight months, sales receded by 4.1% to 1.07 million units. The segment, which had 15% of the market last year, closed the period with 12.6%.


Publicado por
Redação AutoIndústria

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