
BYD to officially confirm the Camaçari plant on October 9

The Chinese manufacturer promises to create five thousand jobs and has already received 50 thousand applications

By Alzira Rodrigues | 9/28/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

BYD confirmed this Thursday, 9/28, the launch of the cornerstone of its plant in Camaçari, BA, in the former Ford facilities in an event with the presence of the manufacturer’s global CEO, Wang Chuanfu.

Alexandre Baldy, BYD’s counselor in Brazil, said that the company has opened a talent bank to recruit workers for the plant, which should have nearly five thousand employees when the operation starts in next year’s last quarter.

“We have already received 50 thousand curricula”, said the executive, emphasizing that the number shows the importance of the brand’s investment in Bahia. The Chinese manufacturer has already begun hiring to start construction in the Camaçari complex.

According to Baldy, the machinery will come from China: “It’s all prepared. The shipment will begin as soon as we launch the cornerstone”.

Besides hiring, BYD is also intensifying contacts with Brazilian suppliers, especially systemists, to maximize production nationalization. The executive said that it is possible that on October 9, there will be announcements of suppliers’ investments in the region.

About government incentives for the North, Northeast and Center-West regions, which were revoked by the Chamber of Deputies and are currently under analysis by the Senate, Baldy said that, if the current benefits are maintained until 2032, as previously previewed, BYD could expand its already announced R$ 3 billion investment.

In full operation, the Camaçari plant would produce up to 150 thousand vehicles yearly and could manufacture from six to eight models. Initially, it will produce two cars, one of them a flex-fuel plug-in hybrid. “We should be the first brand to produce this kind of model in the country”, said Baldy.

Nonetheless, Toyota and Stellantis have already announced the intention to manufacture flex-fuel plug-ins in Brazil. The Chinese brand currently has 35 dealers in operation in the country, and 65 more are under construction.

About the return of the Import Tax for electric vehicles, already admitted by government representatives, Baldyn chose not to comment. “Nothing is official yet. We will speak only when the measure is announced”.

The government’s idea to answer a call from Abeifa is to break up the return of the taxation, beginning with a low index until reaching 23%, equal to Mercosur’s common external tariff. Currently, combustion vehicles’ import tax is 35%.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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