
Anfavea supports the return of import tax for electrics and hybrids

The resolution may increase investments in local production of electrified vehicles

By Alzira Rodrigues | 11/10/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Anfavea, the association representing the manufacturers operating in the country, issued a note asserting that the organization and the national industry see the announcement of the gradual return of the Import Tax for hybrid and electric vehicles as a great advancement.

“The long exemption period was important and sufficient for the introduction of these technologies in Brazil, and the gradual growth of the tax will still enable the importation of these vehicles without great impacts over the next years”, said the document.

For the association, the most important is the indication that the local production of electrified vehicles will be a reality from the international competence point of view.

“The objective expressed by the federal government with this announcement, here endorsed by Anfavea, is to assure a previsibility horizon for the traditional and new manufacturers, enabling to attract investments in the local production of hybrid and electric models, so important for the planet’s sustainability”.

Aligned with the comments by the vice president and minister Geraldo Alckmin, Anfavea claims that producing electrified models in Brazil is a key step toward neo-industrialization, quality jobs generation, strategic technological intelligence and research and development.


Publicado por
Alzira Rodrigues

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