By Redação AutoIndústria | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The semiconductors shortage, which had diminished, granting no manufacturer halt in August in the country, is once again affecting the local vehicle production. Honda had to suspend the activities of its lines this month at the plant of Itirapina, SP, from the 15th through 23rd, and now announces a new 15-day halt, from October 3 through 14.

In total, it will be 24 inactive days, which will certainly reflect in the sector general performance. After seven months with the production indicating a fall year-to-date, it reverted the scenario in August, registering the best monthly results in 2022.

Honda’s new plant stoppage happens just one month after the brand launched the new HR-V in Brazil and, with the new model, began to recover its participation in the Brazilian market. The company sold only 26 thousand vehicles in the first half of the year, a 3% share of the light vehicle market in the country.

Photograph: Honda


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