By George Guimarães | 05/03/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

The Brazilian light vehicle market, which includes passenger cars and light commercial vehicles – reached 151.7 thousand units delivered last month. According to Fenabrave, this number is 18.7% lower than in March, but represents a 11.2% growth over the sales in the same month in 2022.

The daily sales went from 8.6 thousand in March to 8.9 thousand in April. Part of this growth is attributed to direct sales, impulsed by purchases by car rental companies, which were almost half of April sales.

With this result, deliveries in the first four months of 2023 totaled 588.5 thousand units, a 15.2% growth compared to last year.

Adding the period sales of trucks and buses – 43.8 thousand, with 34.7 thousand cargo vehicles, a segment that fell by 3.8% – the number reaches 632.3 thousand, with a slightly lower evolution: 14,4%.


George Guimarães

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