By Redação AutoIndústria  | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Like Renault, despite the government measures encouraging vehicle sales, General Motors decided to keep the scheduled halt of its plants in Gravataí, RS, and São José dos Campos, SP. In Gravataí, where the Onix is produced, a 10-day collective vacation will begin next Monday, 6/12.

The plant in the interior of São Paulo will stop on the same day, but the return will be only on 6/26. In São José dos Campos, the halt should initially be only of the S-10 pickup, involving 2.7 thousand workers. But the action was expanded to all four thousand workers of the plant with the temporary suspension of production of the Trailblazer SUV, engines and transmissions.

Instead of collective vacations, like in Gravataí, in São José dos Campos the days off will be paid and posteriorly compensated. GM justifies the measures by the need to adjust offer and demand.

Differently from most manufacturers, which released their new prices yet on Tuesday, 6/6, to adjust to light vehicle discounts from R$ 2 thousand to R$ 8 thousand, so far General Motors has not manifested about it. The S10 pickup has had market problems, and the Chevrolet dealer net has a high inventory of it even with a R$ 30 thousand bonus offered by the brand before the government’s incentive measure.

Photo: GM


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