By Redação AutoIndústria |9/20/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Great Britain decided to change its chronogram to eliminate sales of new light internal combustion vehicles. The first minister, Rishi Sunak, announced this Wednesday, 9/20, that the limit will change from 2030 to 2035, the same year defined by the European Union.

Nevertheless, Britain’s leader said he believes that, with the expected reduction of technology costs, most vehicles sold in the United Kingdom should be electric by 2030. “At least for now, the consumer should choose by himself and not be forced to do it”, he asserted.

The Britanic decision was criticized by manufacturers already investing in adequate products by 2030. Among other problems, they see a charging infrastructure structuring process cooling as possible.

Kia, for instance, asserted that the postponement would interfere in negotiations with the supply chain and even product planning.

Ford, which is investing about 430 million pounds in plants in the United Kingdom to make electric vehicles in the region, said the focus should be on strengthening the electric vehicle market in the short term and supporting consumers while the infrastructure remains immature.

Photography: Pixabay


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