By Redação AutoIndústria |9/27/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Renault, Nissan Motor and Mitsubishi announced in February the continuity of the global alliance started 24 years ago. Nevertheless, the companies only informed on this Wednesday, 9/27, an important change: by the end of this year, the partners’ purchase areas will be separated.

The Aliance will go “from a global standardized model through a project-oriented cooperation to enable fast and agile decisions and meet the regional demands”. According to Renault, the market is becoming increasingly more regional due to regulations differences, the trajectory toward electrification and connectivity demands.

The idea now is to explore each partner’s geographic strong points, technical resources and market experience to support their respective strategic plans, either in Europe, India or Latin America.

“Purchases will evolve into distinct organizations focused on a project-by-project approach”. The leader company of a project will have autonomy to define specifications and processes to meet each company’s product requirements and the related region’s regulations.

Despite being announced in February, the Aliance continuity was ratified only in July. Among the changes are the reduction of Renault’s share in Nissan from 43.4% to 15% – the same the Japanese manufacturer has and will keep in the French partner – and the separation of Ampere, Renault’s electric and software division, which will become Ampere, an independent company, also with Nissan participation.



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