By Redação AutoIndústria | 10/31/23 | Translated by Jorge Meditsch

Less than one year after leaving Caoa Chery’s command, Márcio Alfonso has been announced as GWM’s director of Engineering, Research, Development and Innovation in Brazil. The company will begin to produce locally in mid-2024.

A FEI (Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial) graduate, he has worked in the automotive sector for more than four decades. Alfonso will report directly to James Yang, GWM Americas’ CEO, and will lead ‘the development of GWM vehicles in the country and the adequation of national projects to Brazil’s public policies”.

According to the company, his mission also includes developing actions and taking decisions to stimulate exports for Latin America.

“It is a great honor to be able to contribute to the constitution of the product development team in Brazil focusing on the local market and South America”, said the new GWM director. Alfonso worked 37 years for Ford in Brazil and Abroad and, in the last eight years, for Caoa Chery.



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